About us
Dear business partners,
GOMS, spol. s r. o., was created on December 20, 2000 on the basis of organizational changes by delimitation - outsourcing of the Department of Maintenance of Material Assets (HIM) from Matador, and. Púchov as general repairs, medium repairs, reconstruction, assembly or disassembly of machines of various technological equipment in the rubber industry.
GOMS has embarked on a more than fifty-year tradition of the above-mentioned works in Matador, and. s., Púchov. The headquarters of the company is in its own premises, which consists of a production and assembly hall with an area of 1600 m2 with an administrative building near Continental. The name of the new company GOMS - general repairs and assembly of machines was also created.
Presentation of GOMS, s.r.o. (.pdf)